What is the right level of organised for you?



Recently there has been an explosion in the visibility of the decluttering world, in no small part thanks to the Netflix Marie Kondo series. I will be the first to admit I find the programmes wonderfully addictive and calming to see the participants move from clutter to chaos with some lovely folding to boot.

But, have they gone too far?

Looking at the perfect pristine homes with beautifully folded clothes and the bags of stuff waiting in the hallway to go to be recycled / donated, is this really achievable?

Even with the help of an expert declutterer can we achieve the daily show-house look? And more importantly should we?

Well as a professional declutterer and organiser I should of course should say a wholehearted 'Yes'. However, the realist in me and the knowledge of our very business lives my answer is a little more complicated.

I am a firm believer in helping people achieve the level of organised that works for them. I love a perfectly organised Inbox with multiple folders and colour coding, but for you that might be folders by numbers with a focused few to work with. As delcutterers we need to always be mindful of what will work for the client; what is the right level of organised for them. Because if we put in place something that takes too long to keep organised or doesn't compliment the clients' way of working we have failed in our duty.

So don't worry we will not push your square peg through a round hole to make you fit to our ways; but we may challenge your thought processes a bit to get you to see the other side.

Believe me, it is fun and eye-opening for both of us!


Focus on one thing at a time...


Digital Decluttering Episode 4: Digital Estate Planning