I will work together with you to tailor my services to your needs,
to help declutter your digital bubble and safeguard your memories for future generations

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Digital Scanning & Archiving

Are your precious memories safe and will they live on for future generations?

We have so many memories hidden away in albums of printed photo and boxes of memorabilia. These memories are precious and should be enjoyed, but also kept safe for future generations. I can help you bring your printed photos, slides, videos, DVDs and memorabilia into the digital age and deliver archive quality storage options.


Photographic & Video Organisation

Are your memories easy to find without continuous scrolling?

Gone are the days of having to wait until the end of the camera film to enjoy our captured memories. Our digital devices have become part of our lives and we rely on them to capture treasured moments as they happen. But keeping track of all these images is a job unto itself, making it difficult to be able to share these memories quickly and easily. I can declutter and organise your digital photos from all your devices into one easy to use location, that works for you.


Memory Sharing

Can you easily relive your favourite memories?

There is real joy in sharing your memories with your loved ones but having them stuck on a computer hard drive or a mass of photos on your phone makes this difficult. I can help you easily share your memories with the development of Cloud-based tools. As well as create digital collections of selected images as a unique gift. I will enable you to enjoy those memories time after time, never to be lost.


Digital Declutter & Organisation

Is your digital bubble overwhelming you?

The amount of digital data we are producing is growing year-on-year and can easily get out of control. I will help you understand your digital reach and declutter unneeded information. I can establish on-going processes to keep your digital bubble at bay and prepare your digital legacy; from optimising your use of email tools, managing your online presence and establishing a manageable filing system.

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  Get In Touch

Drop me an email or give me a call to get the ball rolling.
You can email me at amanda@clearbubble.co.uk or to call me click Here.
Or click on the button below to send me a message.